First off is the MUFE Smoky Lash mascara. This is my favourite mascara of all time. The downside? The price is over $20. Will I repurchase it? Definitely. Not till IMATS thought, where I'm going to stock up because it was $15 last year. This mascara gives such beautiful fullness of the lashes that I'm lusting over it just as I type.. Siigh.

Then I finished up my Annabelle mascara. I know, I know. Mascaras are a cheap way out of Project Pan. But this mascara was on its last legs too. I like this mascara, because on one side it has bristles and on the other side there is a plastic comb. So if you just use the bristles its a very natural looking lash, but if you run the comb through it too it becomes super dramatic and awesome. But I probably wouldn't repurchase it. It wasn't a WOW product, but definitely fun to try.

My Yes to Carrots Lip Butter was my first lip product to be used up, which is cool because I have way too many. This is a good lip balm, but I still prefer my Nivea ones by far. No thanks to rebuying it.

Fourth on the list was my Covergirl Translucent finishing powder. And yes I had it in the old school green packaging. I had this forever and used to carry it in my purse where it smashed into a million pieces.. And the last couple months I decided to use up those smashed pieces. Which was painful and hard to work with. But I did it! Nothing special about this powder, I'd purchase it if I needed a powder but I'm going to try looking for something else once the time comes.

My fifth item of this round is my UDPP. Now, I regret to say that I did not cut open my bottle of this for two reasons. One, I would have cut myself. Two, it was really old and probably beginning to go bad so no reason to prolong its misery. Would I repurchase? No. I now use my $1 ELF primer and it works just the same if not better because more money stays in my pocket.

Alas, that is all for my project pan update! Hopefully I won't go 3 months between blog posts again and hopefully my next project pan update is very soon! Cheers =)