Friday, October 12, 2012

Blue and Grey Polka Dots!

Hi lovely people! Sporadic posting, midterms and life you know? =) I have been super uninspired with anything beauty related recently. Obnoxious lipstick has been my go to just so I look like I care. Too much tired! But I have a post today with actual nail art. Although for me nail art essentially always just means bringing out the dotting tool and splatting on a couple dots. Because it is fairly simple and looks pretty cool, if you don't look too closely.
My good friend Kevin told me that I couldn't make a fun mani with his favourite colours, blue and grey. And he was over the other night so I told him to pick out his favourite shades of blue and grey and that I'd do something. So I went to my trust polka dots ;) I think it looks pretty fun! The blue is Essence "Walk on Air" and the grey is Zoya "Dove" with China Glaze's Fast Forward for top coat. I did the exact opposite on my right hand, aka all grey with a blue accent nail. Sort of a fun contrast =)


So that is all! Love love <3


  1. Oh I love the color you chose as the accent and the contrast!

    Would appreciate if you checked out my blog

  2. Lovely nails! And your videos are really good :) we should do a swap sometimes!

